The evaluation of compliance requires the Vitrocsa product to undergo a process to demonstrate that it meets international standards. All our ranges of products have passed the necessary tests which are their guarantee of quality.
L’évaluation de la conformité implique un processus qui sert à démontrer que le produit Vitrocsa répond aux normes internationales. Toutes nos gammes de produits ont subi les tests nécessaires qui garantissent leur qualité.
A patent is an exclusive right granted to an invention. Patent protection means that the invention cannot be made, used, distributed or sold for commercial purposes by third parties without Vitrocsa’s consent.
PCT/CH1994/000015 | Sliding window or glass door |
PCT/IB2009/050857 | Glazing with encasement pivotally mounted about an axis in a fixed opening frame |
PCT/IB2010/050767 | Framework for sliding windows |
PCT/IB2010/052762 | Sliding window or glazed door |
PCT/IB2012/050480 | Framework for walls |
8101000 | Device for sealed locking of a pivoting wing in an opening |
8101898 | Device for watertight locking of a panel mounted to pivot around an axis, in an opening |
8101885 | Support guide for a sliding window or glazed door |
8102225 | Window provided with a frame mounted to pivot about an axis in a fixed window frame |
9153272 | Frame for sliding windows |
9718070 | Glazing with encasement pivotally mounted about an axis in a fixed opening frame |
9164072 | Sliding window or glazed door |
10707131 | Framework for sliding windows |
10730238 | Sliding window or glazed door |
10193330 | Locking device provided with at least one locking point for a sliding frame |
10194169 | Framing for walls |
11166993 | Framing for sliding panels |
12704319 | Framework for walls |
12736066 | Glazing with encasement pivotally mounted about an axis in a fixed opening frame |
12998390 | Sliding window or sliding glass door |
13066260 | Framing for panels |
13066187 | Locking device provided with at least one locking point for a sliding sash |
13136941 | Framing for panels |
13954263 | Framing for panels |
14074354 | Semi-hidden framing for panels |
14235279 | Framing for panels |